cia if you made one, or copy over the .f3dex2e.3dsx into the /3ds directory on your SD card and load via The Homebrew Launcher. Choice to disable audio at build-time add build flag DISABLE_AUDIO=1Īfter building, either install the.To change the CIA banner, modify the 3ds/icon.png and 3ds/banner.png and use bannertool to generate new icon.icn and banner.bnr respectively.Change the 3ds/icon.png in the base of this repository before building.Support injection of SMDH file into the.Touch-screen camera controls similar to SM64DS.Mini-menu (tap touch-screen to trigger).GFX_POOL_SIZE fix (support 60 FPS on 32bit platforms).Use this online editor from BenoitCaron.Configurable controls via sm64config.txt.Disable by building with DISABLE_N3DS_FRAMESKIP=1.Naïve frame-skip if frame takes longer than 33.3ms (1 / 30 FPS) to render.Multi-threaded audio thread runs on Core 1 on O3DS and Core 2 on N3DS needs Luma v10.1.1 or higher.

Stereo 3D support use the mini-menu to switch between 3D (400px) and 800px modes (800PX/AA disabled in 3D mode).

This repo does not include all assets necessary for compiling the game.Ī prior copy of the game is required to extract the assets.