One of the unavailable channels in the Play Store version of Telegram It hasn't spelled out what "fewer restrictions" means, but there is speculation that this version will not censor channels that host pirated content, belong to radical hate groups, or suffer from government censorship.As shared by a Redditor, a few channels aren't available in the Telegram app downloaded from the Google Play Store.We assume that they will be available in the new non-Play Store version. It has 'fewer restrictions' and will get 'automatic updates' Telegram has gathered steam over the last few months and it recently even updated its Telegram X application after leaving it in limbo for almost a year.As if maintaining two different Android versions wasn't enough already, the company is now introducing a third variant of its messaging application that won't be available on the Google Play Store.According to Telegram, this version will have "fewer restrictions" and will receive "automatic" updates from telegram.Org. The Telegram app now has a mysterious twin that you wont find on the Play Store APK Download